
Fixed Annuity

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Tax-Vantage™ Fixed Annuity Plan

For employees of  Missouri School Districts

Start today.  You're
guaranteed NO LOSS on 
your contributions.

It's easy to start.



You decide how much you want to contribute to your account each month and your employer reduces your salary by that amount.   You pay Federal and State Income Taxes only on the remaining amount of your salary.  For example, if you pay 20% in combined federal and state taxes, for every $50 you contribute to Tax-Vantage, your take home pay is reduced by just $40.  It's like the government contributing 20% toward your savings goal.

Assumes a combined tax bracket of 34% and 7% return on investment. The rate of return used in this example is hypothetical and is not indicative of any specific investment results.   Withdrawals are subject to taxation as ordinary income and early withdrawals before age 59 1/2 may also be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty.

Retirement Age
At any age prior to 70 1/2, you may start receiving an income from the Plan, although tax advantages are likely to be gained by deferring income until age 65 or later.

Retirement Value 
The value of your account when applied to the purchase of any annuity will be 100% of all contributions plus credited interest.  The Retirement Value will always reflect current interest earnings, which will never be less than the Guaranteed Interest Rate.

Policy Loan
Loans are permitted by law with no income tax or excise tax penalty.  However, loans must be repaid in substantially equal quarterly payments over 5 years.  Details as to limitation, interest rates and restrictions are available upon request.

Withdrawal Value
This is the amount you receive if you elect (and are eligible) to withdraw your voluntary contributions.  The amount received is Retirement Value reduced by any applicable withdrawal charges..  

Death Benefit

Pre-Retirement   The Company will pay the Retirement Value of your plan as a death benefit (your contributions plus all interest credited).

Post-Retirement - Based on option elected.

TAX-VANTAGE™ is issued through Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company of Kansas City, Missouri, an affiliate of Forrest T. Jones Consulting Company.  Fidelity is rated "A-" (Excellent) by A.M. Best and Company, an independent insurance analyst.

Administered by:  
Forrest T. Jones Consulting Co., Inc.
3130 Broadway
Kansas City, Mo. 64111

Underwritten by:
Fidelity Security Life Insurance Co. 
3130 Broadway
Kansas City, Mo. 64111

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